Leisurequip recently visited the Interbad show in Germany to keep up with the latest development in cool spa therapy. The experience was quite inspirational and we could see many possibilities for luxury health spa installations. One spa therapy we are definitely interested in bringing to the UK market are snow room spas.

Commonly referred to as Snow Caves, these amazing snow spa therapy rooms are a technological marvel. The idea has origins in the Scandinavian tradition of rolling in the snow after hot sauna or steam room therapy. The body’s physical reaction to rapid cooling closes off the pores of the skin.

This process also positively affects your blood circulation which in turn helps strengthen the immune system. If you return to the sauna or shower after the snow room spa you get a tingling sensation all over. If you’re looking to re-create that white Christmas feel in your luxury spa then snow room spa therapy is the perfect addition.

Custom designed immersive snow room spa

Custom designed immersive snow room spa

Snow room spas now available

The snow room spa therapy rooms are now newly available from Leisurequip and extend our already impressive range of luxury spa treatment rooms. Not one for the faint hearted, snow spa room installation is expensive and complicated therapy rooms to install and come with a budget around £150,000 +Vat.

They are however an amazing addition for any health spa operator looking to stand out from the competition. For further information on snow spa therapy room installation please contact Leisurequip your luxury health spa installer covering the UK with our professional installation service.

Leisurequip have teamed up with TechnoAlpin to bring you the perfect bespoke snow room. You can now enjoy a snow spa every day of the year.

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About the Author: Kenton Mann

Kenton Mann
Kenton Mann has been at the helm of Leisurequip ltd. and involved in the wellness industry for over 40 years. In that time he has become an expert many times over in the design and construction of a myriad of bespoke wellness rooms. Furthermore, he is also the UK's pre-eminent Tylo Sauna & Steam expert with unparalleled knowledge not found anywhere else.

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  1. Avatar photo
    Stephan June 19, 2024 at 10:18 am - Reply

    hello, i would like to have more information about the snow room

    • Kenton Mann
      Kenton Mann June 19, 2024 at 3:10 pm - Reply

      Hi Stephan, your request is with a member of the team. Thanks.

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